Andrea Giovannetti
Human Networks · Quantitative Criminology · Simulations and Metrics

Welcome to my (temporary) page, where I store some information about my work as an academic!
I am Co-Director of the Tackling Hate Lab, and Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor in the U.S. system) in Economics and Quantitative Methods at the Faculty of Law and Business of the Australian Catholic University, based in beautiful Sydney.
Before joining ACU, I was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the Institute of Criminology of the University of Cambridge, UK, where I retain a visiting position. At Cambridge, I am an active member of the Violence Research Centre and I also hold a position as associate researcher at Darwin College.
I obtained my PhD in Economics in 2018 from the University of Southampton, UK. After that, from 2018 to 2021 I worked as a research fellow at the Economics Department of University of Technology Sydney.
I am working on:
- Property Rights (with P. Pin, R. Rozzi and P. Campana) [Replication Files]
- Dangerous Liaisons: A network analysis and a longitudinal study of Violence in the London Metropolitan Area (with P. Campana)
- How Organized Crime Groups Interact: A Theory of Differential Cooperation (with P. Campana)
- Formation of Supply Chains and Trade Credit: Can Banks Amplify Contagion Risk? (with G. Cardillo)
- Inoculation Against Online Extremism: An Agent Based Simulation and Cost Benefit Analysis (with M. Vergani, S. Ng, C.P. Lim, J. Zhang and R. Scott)
- Percolation Thresholds In Simple Bipartite Networks: a Generating Function Approach
- Local Interactions in a Market with Heterogeneous Expectations (with M. Anufriev and V. Panchenko)
- Trust thy neighbor: Measuring the effect of governance-type organised crime on local communities and markets: a quasi-natural experiment on Japan (with M. Baradel)
- Becker in the City: Diffusion and Dilution of Crime across Neighborhoods of London (with P. Campana)
- Social Distancing Policies and Intersectoral Spillovers: The Case of Australia (with A. Anufriev and V. Panchenko)
Main grants: (USD equivalent)
- Unconvering the link between online hate and offline violence, Deakin (25,300 USD)
- Breaking networks of youth serious violence, Nuffield Fundation, 2024 (team member) (147,070 USD)
- A relational approach to explain violence in the UK, ESRC, 2024 (team member) (318,893 USD)
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (eval. top 1%), 2020 (256,950 USD)
- Best Lecturer of the University, University of Technology Sydney, 2020 (2,513 USD)
- Research Grant, University of Cambridge, 2019 (2,751 USD)
- Economic and Social Research Council, 2014 (73,000 USD)
- Venini Award for Best MSc Dissertation, 2013 (30,000 USD)
My collaborations and partners